A memory. An imprint. A touch of wind on your skin. An air swirled by the wing of a bird. A water. A deep dark turquoise and blue water, streams dragging you into the depth. Streams of images, streams of dreams, streams of reflections. Is it you? Is it me? Is it real? Can I catch it? Can I hold it in my hand for a fraction of a moment? Can you see, can you see, can´t you see? Violet skies above our heads. And every time we step further inside, into the thick, iridescent, elusive river, we´re closer.
I perceive photography as fluid. It captures something that we can see but that is not really there. The meaning of images changes endlessly. It depends on who is watching, it transforms as time passes. In this regard, there is no point at all in giving precise names to it, to gather it into discrete projects, closed collections of sights with one particular reading. Every other picture is a step in a journey with an open ending. There is a thrill in discovering and pursuing the way in which one scene rises out of the other. Where suddenly, the old pictures meet the new ones and start to communicate with one another, enabling a whole new encounter and insight. If there is a connecting line, then it is memory, the way we experience present moments, what constitutes them, and how we re-interpret them over and over. And to that, the unclear relationship between the world outside and our innermost experience. Gradually, I follow the urge to combine images with texts, sounds, and videos – to find more encompassing and absorbing expression.
Áša Sárová (*1989, CZ), Prague, 2022
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